Monday, June 20, 2011

I have some news!

My Dear Lovely Readers, 

I've recently opened a brand spanking new chapter of my life. I have shifted my jobs and responsibilities and money and home around so that I can finally pursue another dream and throw myself fully into the crazy world that is nursing (I'm back in school!). I am beyond excited about the next two years but exhausted already.

The truth is, I don't know how often I am going to be able to post. Don't fret though! I'm not giving this up and I'm not even pushing pause. I love this little blog and am proud of where it has come in the last (almost) two years. I'm just shifting some priorities around and unfortunately, my Love Made Visible blog has to get knocked down a peg. My goal though, is to at least post once a week. But please be patient if I miss a week here or there.

And in the meantime, please follow me here (catch up on old posts!), on the Yakima Bride blog, Twitter (@LMVevents), and on Pinterest - I'll be hanging out at those spots pretty often.

Thank you for being so patient with me.

Much, much love. 
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Harry Potter

I happen to know several Harry Potter fanatics. Specifically, Nate (my Very Cute Fiance) and his family. I've read and really enjoyed all the books, but if you're really a fan, you would know that in exactly one month, the final Harry Potter movie will be in theaters. This has been a huge topic of conversation among Nate and his family (Harry Potter is a very frequented topic of conversation at their dinner table). So, in light of the new movie coming out - I've brainstormed a Harry Potter party. This could easily be a birthday party or a party gearing you and your friends up for the new movie. Either way, grab your wand and robes, you've got a party to attend!

Decorations are key : make some house banners and hang white candles from the ceiling using fishing line. 

Madam Rosmerta would agree that no wizard party is complete without a pint of freshly-brewed Butterbeer.
Definitely whip up a homemade batch - Butter Beer Recipe

Don't look like a Muggle, snacking on Milk Duds and Raisinets. Line your cloak with a proper wizard's feast of sugar munchies. Start with every student's favorite, Cockroach Clusters.
(complete with free tag printable!)

Potions is one of the most popular classes at Hogwarts, so make sure you have an ample supply of Bloodworms (spaghetti with marinara), Gillyweed (backyard weeds in green-tinted water) and Hippogriff Gizzards (canned oysters). 
Don't those look so gross??
Ingredients and free labels for download


Wouldn't this list of spells be great as a game of bingo or a Word Search

Definitely include Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Just buy a mix of Jelly Belly's from the grocery store or buy the official box from Jelly Belly  : which includes flavors like booger, earthworm, and sausage. 

Here are some more ideas for your Harry Potter party:

  1. Welcome the guests with a sign at the front door that reads "Platform 9 3/4"
  2. Have a Harry Potter Trivia Contest and ask questions based on the book - or a 'Who Said What?' game based on Harry Potter quotes.
So what do you think? Are you dying to attend a Harry Potter party? 

(And, I would be lying if I told you Nate and I haven't already purchased tickets for the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows : part two)

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Some Andria wedding love

I've neglected one of my favorite photographers recently. Not on purpose mind you, but its simply a shame that I don't feature her work on the blog like every other stinking day. So today, I'm hopping back on the Andria train and you're just going to love this wedding she just shot. It's just perfect.

I love Andria's photography (and this wedding!) times a million zillion! 
I'm so obsessed.

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Baby Showers

I love baby showers that take the word "Shower" almost literally. I'm talking about decorating with clouds, umbrellas, and rainboots. Not sure what I mean? Here's a little "shower" inspiration!

Some very cute shower invites from my favorite stationary site, Minted
Left to Right, Top to Bottom:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6

Decorate with Umbrellas and hand out little rainboot and umbrella sugar cookies as favors!

Serve these adorable shower cupcakes, complete with an umbrella topper!

Or these with a cloud topper!

Adding little clouds to paper straws, just too cute.

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Monday, June 6, 2011

I scream, you scream

Yesterday the weather was finally above 70 degrees - Yay! - and let me just say, I ate my fair share of Popsicles. But what I really wanted, was heaps of ice cream. There is a not a whole lot that I love more than eating cold ice cream on a hot day. So that got me to thinking that it would be really fun to throw an ice cream party! An ice cream theme would make a really cute summer birthday party, don't you think?

First, send out these invites! (download at One Charming Party)

Decorate with these cute balloons

Make the birthday girl this adorable headband  
(Tutorial on One Creative Party)
That would make a cute birthday cake! Its just cupcakes

Or make these confetti cupcakes!

Wouldn't ice cream make such a cute summer party? Yes, I think so too! 

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday Photo #58

I am obsessed with taupe + pink! 

Have a good Memorial Day weekend!

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Contain your Joy

Yep, I'm keeping this cupcake train a'rolling. 

Have you seen those on Martha Stewart? Gooey-good desserts sent home with guests, cradled in old-fashioned jars. Cushion a vanilla cupcake between a layer of raspberry jam and a dollop of cream-cheese frosting in a classic canning jar. Pair it with a wooden spoon, and voila -- you've got a pudding-rich, mess-free treat that guests can easily take home.

Don't forget to top the lid with an "Enjoy" label downloaded from their website. (A 2 1/2-inch mega circle punch will make the project a cinch!) French terrine (No. 748090), the Container Store. Wooden spoons (No. 12893), Fairway Market.

By the way... Are you following me on my other wedding blog? I write a blog for the Yakima Bride Magazine - so It's a bit more personal and of course, oh so very wedding filled. If you haven't checked it out,  skip on over there!  Kalea's Wedding

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Cuppy Cakes

Any birthday parties or showers coming up? I've got just the thing! 

I must be hungry tonight because I am seeing cupcakes everywhere! Sweet Spring cupcakes in coffee cups, banana cupcakes in little terracotta pots, and champagne cupcakes with champagne buttercream frosting...oh my! So perfect for parties!


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Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Photo #57

The trees! 
The ridiculously-gorgeous-so-I'm-kicking-myself-because-I-didn't-come-up-with-the-idea-first 
green maple trees!

So, so, gorgeous. I have some major wedding envy. 

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