Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday Photo #58

I am obsessed with taupe + pink! 

Have a good Memorial Day weekend!

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Contain your Joy

Yep, I'm keeping this cupcake train a'rolling. 

Have you seen those on Martha Stewart? Gooey-good desserts sent home with guests, cradled in old-fashioned jars. Cushion a vanilla cupcake between a layer of raspberry jam and a dollop of cream-cheese frosting in a classic canning jar. Pair it with a wooden spoon, and voila -- you've got a pudding-rich, mess-free treat that guests can easily take home.

Don't forget to top the lid with an "Enjoy" label downloaded from their website. (A 2 1/2-inch mega circle punch will make the project a cinch!) French terrine (No. 748090), the Container Store. Wooden spoons (No. 12893), Fairway Market.

By the way... Are you following me on my other wedding blog? I write a blog for the Yakima Bride Magazine - so It's a bit more personal and of course, oh so very wedding filled. If you haven't checked it out,  skip on over there!  Kalea's Wedding

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Cuppy Cakes

Any birthday parties or showers coming up? I've got just the thing! 

I must be hungry tonight because I am seeing cupcakes everywhere! Sweet Spring cupcakes in coffee cups, banana cupcakes in little terracotta pots, and champagne cupcakes with champagne buttercream frosting...oh my! So perfect for parties!


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Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Photo #57

The trees! 
The ridiculously-gorgeous-so-I'm-kicking-myself-because-I-didn't-come-up-with-the-idea-first 
green maple trees!

So, so, gorgeous. I have some major wedding envy. 

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

oh my goodness!

This girl totally read my mind! (or I read hers??)

For a long time I wanted my bridesmaids to wear short black cocktail dresses with pink shoes too! I think I need to meet this bride, she's got great taste :-)

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Monday, May 16, 2011



I need help deciding which method we should use to address our Save the Date envelopes - printing directly on the envelopes, using clear sticky address labels, or handwriting them.

What do you think??
(official poll is on the right hand side of the blog) 

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There is something I need to confess.
I have engagement picture envy.

 I'm sorry to say it, but these pictures are so perfect, I'm a little green with envy. And the cute thing is that the bride-to-be is from a very small town that I used to live in too! We even went to the same church when I was little! From the perfect little blue dress to the iconic navy sailor kiss and a canoe on Lake Washington...I sort of wish I could insert Nate and my faces into these pictures. Is that weird?? Okay okay, see for yourself!

Don't you agree? Aren't those pictures just amazing?! 
Totally unfair how perfect they are. 
Thanks to GH Kim Photography and Hannah for letting me feature the pictures!

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Who knew?

Who knew there were so many crafty uses for paint chips??

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Wishes for Baby

How cute is this printable?!
I love the idea of writing notes to baby and putting them all in a scrapbook at the end of the shower. Whats particularly awesome about this one is that the designer also made it in brown, yellow, and grey... and you can download them all for free right here

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Friday, May 6, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I know that you don't need to be reminded about how much I love burlap. 

Sewn burlap programs?! What?!

According to "Jennifer made the programs herself. She cut out scalloped-edge strips of burlap and layered them over patterned cardstock to make the front covers. The back covers were made from brown craft paper; the program, which was printed on linen paper, was sandwiched between the two. The entire packet was sewn together with a simple running stitch."

Just one more fantastic use of burlap in a wedding. That Jennifer, she's my kinda gal. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

S'mores make everyone happy

I'm kind of on a DIY kick - although its not like I need more projects making their way onto the wedding to-do list! But guess what I found? A super cute DIY S'mores kit - complete with label and instruction PDFs for downloading! I know its not summer yet, but the nights are getting longer and staying warmer which can only mean one thing...Bring on the s'mores! 

Materials :

1. Hershey's Chocolate Bars
2. Graham Crackers
3. Marshmallows
4. Wire Hangers
5. Cellophane Bags in 3 Sizes
6. Adhesive Paper and Cardstock
7. Labels and Instructions design (downloadable pdfs right here and here.)
8. Kraft Box with Lid 4.75" x 6" x 2.5"
9. Tissue
10. Ribbon
11. Scissors
12. Wire Cutter

For the easy step by step instructions - head on over HERE to project wedding! 

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