In a recent survey, we polled you, our lovely readers, and found out that the majority of you either had someone capture your engagement or already know that is something you want, and some of you had never even considered the idea of capturing that special moment on film (well digital cameras these days). Surprise surpise, you love the idea just as much we do. Engagement and wedding photographs are obvious ways to chronicle the memories, but the event that gets the ball rolling is rarely recorded except for in our heads. Hiring a hidden proposal photographer or recruiting the help of a friend is the perfect solution. Girls, start dropping hints to your boyfriends because this is an idea you won't want him to forget!
Special thanks to (counter clockwise starting at top left) Mindy, Jordan, Laurie Beth, and Roe for the photos...and of course, congratulations!
If you still aren't convinved that capturing your engagement on film is that important, here is a series of pictures that are sure to make your heart melt.
Want to watch a video too?? Great!
Don't you fret if you don't have a photographic-ly inclined friend, LMV can recommend several incredible photographers (at all price points), just for this special occasion! Write us a quick email and we will help you on your merry propsal way!
Visit for more photos of Mindy's proposal!
And Laurie Beth has a lovely blog too!

Andrea B. Waller
(Kalea's end note: Hey littliest sister with the nice camera, are you paying attention to this post??)
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