I stumbled across this site and fell in love! I especially love it for weddings:
---Make your own guestbook with engagement pictures or a collection of pictures from your dating years
---It would be great to make a few books full of your wedding photos as presents for your parents and grandparents! Which is a super idea for the budget bride because it would save you from paying your photographer for an insanely expensive album- The quality will be amazing and you can customize just as you want it.

The book making possibilities are endless with this site, you have to check it out!
****Update : "To get you started, we’re extending an offer that’s more generous than any in Blurb history: 20% off on books you make, plus free ground shipping on any order up to five books.* Simply enter the promo code BLURBTREAT at checkout to redeem. We’ve never had an offer like this, so enjoy it while it lasts (which is through November 24, 2009). *******
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