Thursday, September 30, 2010

Scratch those Invites

Dig those pennies out of the bottom of your purse, you will need them for these invites!

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Are you?

So question : are you hooked on a wedding tumblr (or more than one) like I am??


Ha!! Now you are. 

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm Getting Hitched : Kalea's Photographer

Hi everyone! I know you're used to seeing Andrea's posts filed under "I'm Getting Hitched!" but I'm going to join her and try to write about my wedding planning as I go along! 

Like I previously mentioned, our wedding won't be until June 2nd, 2012 so we have plenty of time. But do you remember when I blogged about winter engagement shoots? Those gorgeous images have stayed in the back of my mind and guess what? Nate and I decided to have our own winter engagement session! Since the majority of our guest list will be coming from out of town, I will be sending out save the dates - and in order to have our wonderful winter engagement pictures on our save the dates, we figured out that we would have to have our engagement pictures taken this winter, an entire 18 months before the wedding! :-) So what does all this mean? Bring on the search for a wedding photographer!

And by search I mean, I emailed a whopping 3 photographers. 

And it took us less than a month of being engaged to nail one down. 

And... drum roll please, I am so stinking excited to officially have Jennifer Dagdagan as our photographer!!!

Yes, thats right, deciding on a photographer was the first wedding decision we made (besides the date). Can you tell where our priorities are?? :-) 

Jennifer's photography rocks my socks off plus she is super rad and fun to hang out with.... perfect, no?

Photographer - check! How many days to go still? 

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Monday, September 27, 2010

I love childrens books

Here is something you may not know - every year on our anniversary, I buy my very cute fiancé a childrens book - ones like I love you through and through and Bear of my Heart - books that talk about love. Its a little difficult finding childrens books that don't specifically refer to parent child love but I've lucked out for 5 years now! I was browsing wedding sites the other day (whats new, right?) and came across an article about wedding readings and they listed a few excerpts from childrens books. What a cute idea! And the best part, is that I found the next book to buy Nate! (Spoiler alert if you read this honey) Anyways, here is it... its adorable.

The book is called I Like You by Sandol Stoddard Warburg

 One of my favorite parts -
Everything that happens is nicer with you
I can’t remember when I didn’t like you

It must have been lonesome then
I like you because because because
So many reasons
On the 4th of July I like you because it’s the 4th of July
On the fifth of July, I like you too
If you and I had some drums and some horns and some horses
If we had some hats and some flags and some fire engines
We could be a HOLIDAY
We could be a CELEBRATION
We could be a WHOLE PARADE
See what I mean?
Even if it was the 999th of July

Even if it was August

Even if it was way down at the bottom of November

Even if it was no place particular in January
I would go on choosing you
And you would go on choosing me
Over and over again

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Photo #31

Beautiful Winery Wedding via

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Honeymoon Heaven

You know what I realized? That I've never written a post about honeymoons! Well thats about to change.
 I was browsing some new wedding blogs and I came across Aisle Dash's 2010 Best Real Bride's Blog - Thao and Robert - and my heart stopped when I spotted Thao's post on their honeymoon in Bora Bora and Tahiti.
An over water bungalow?? Oh yes please! 

Do yourself a favor and check out the rest of her Bora Bora pics, they will blow you away. 

Also, Grey Likes Weddings also wrote a blog post about Tahitian honeymoons, so hop on over there too. 

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Etsy Rocks

I stumbled across some super cute Etsy goodness, ready? 

They would be so cute as a bridal shower gift or tied onto a wedding present!

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Menu planning the cute way

This is slightly unrelated to weddings and events - but too awesome to pass up a posting opportunity. 

What is it, you ask? Well let me tell you! 
It's a free printable menu planner! Print it out, frame under glass in your kitchen, and then use a dry erase marker to write your meal plans on it. 

Totally reminds me of something my cousin Heather would love, she plans out all her meals every week. Wouldn't it make a cute housewarming gift or just-because-its-Tuesday gift? I thought so too. 

Oh, and speaking of ridiculously cute kitchen related downloads.... check this Recipe Card Maker
Endless cute possibilities. 

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Dennis & Patricia - Wedding Trailer

There is no need for an introduction to this incredible wedding video by Winston Tao.... I almost teared up a bit and I don't even know Dennis and Patricia, its just that good.

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Big News

It's been very difficult keeping a certain little secret from you all - but out of respect for our family and friends, I've had to zip my lips for a couple weeks. Well, the wait is over! And let me tell you, I'm bursting at the seams.
Check out this happy bride to be- 
Wait, hold the phone...that's ME!!!

Thats right, I'm Getting Married!

That cute boy in the picture is Nate - my boyfriend (I haven't used the "f word yet", it still feels strange) of over 5 and a half years - and he proposed on September 7th, in Kerry Park! 

So this awesome blog may take a bit of a personal turn, seeing as though both Andrea and I are engaged at the moment. And I'm not planning on getting married until Spring 2012, so I've got a ton of time to research and hopefully do as many DIY projects as I can.

Want to know something else pretty funny? I emailed one of my favorite hometown photographers before we had even told his parents we were engaged. Haha, let the planning commence!

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Photo #30

Okay, I’m about to be a total tease. 
Please forgive me, but I’m just so freaking excited that I can’t hold off on sharing

Can you guess whose hand this beautiful ring is on??
Stay tuned!

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Printable Alphabet Bunting

Hey, this could come in handy! I'm thinking above a dessert table... 

Download here, from Ruffled. 

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Grab some Tissues

Grab those tissues, you will need them during this video.
I cried a little, I won't deny it. 

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

DIY twisty ties

How cute is this this idea from Zakka Life
Pretty twist ties made with patterned Japanese masking tape! Add a little something special to your wedding/party favors or just to your homemade cookies... they will taste even better, I'm pretty sure.

And you know what? I was an Jo Anne fabrics yesterday and I bought this perfect mini loaf bread pan - so DIY twisty ties and a mini loaf pan are pretty much the perfect excuse to make some chocolate chip banana mini loaves and wrap them up pretty to give as gifts, yeah? Whose in?

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Katelyn and Adam part deux - The Wedding

Remember these beautiful engagement pictures?? Well I'm back with their wedding pictures and you guessed it, they are ahhhh-mazing.
 Feast your eyes on Katelyn and Adams wedding pictures -

And mad props to one of my favorites, Jennifer Dagdagan Photography!
Congrats Katelyn and Adam!!!

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11th

I learned a lot of things and grew as a person in uncountable ways while traveling and living in Europe - but one thing I took back home with me was a huge sense of pride in the fact that I am an American. Before living abroad, being an American wasn't as big a part of my identity as it is now that I have returned to the States. Furthermore, for the first time, I finally felt the full reality of 9/11 and feel so hurt and dumbfounded that people could hate us and our country that much.

"How do I respond when I see that in some Islamic countries there is vitriolic hatred for America? I'll tell you how I respond: I'm amazed. I'm amazed that there is such misunderstanding of what our country is about, that people would hate us. I am, I am -- like most Americans, I just can't believe it. Because I know how good we are, and we've go to do a better job of making our case. We've got to do a better job of explaining to the people in the Middle East, for example, that we don't fight a war against Islam or Muslims. We don't hold any religion accountable. We're fighting evil. And these murderers have hijacked a great religion in order to justify their evil deeds. And we cannot let it stand."  -President George W. Bush

May everyone who lost their lives that day and the days following rest in peace. 

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Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Photo #29

Such a sweet engagement picture, just looking at her ring. 

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

OOT Welcome Bags Addition

So I've talked a couple times about how nice it is when brides have enough time to put together little welcome bags or baskets for their out of town guests. (Remember this post?)

Well I found something uber cute to add to an out of town bag. How about making a mixed CD (like a Welcome to Scranton / I Love You mixed CD? Love me some Office references) and tucking it cutely into this printable travel themed case?!

Just stare at its cuteness....thats what I'm doing. 

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Favor Bags

I don't have a full post about these bags - I just thought they were oh so cute.

Look at the buttons!

Happy Middle of the Week!
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